Research is a process to discover new knowledge. To share the knowledge, we write papers, present at conferences, and build communities of like-minded people.
Journal Papers
Short Papers
Invited Talks
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Invited Papers
Design Patents
Environmental sustainability has become a critical global issue. In these papers, we outline how computation can help to express goals, measure progress, and recommend interventions with high efficacy. Several related topics explore how to implement this framework.
Human Bayesian Inference
Decision making can be simple when there are limited choices and all the available options are known. However, unknowns introduce probabilities and the need for statistical inference. We use instructional science to create a link between cognitive load and Bayesian inference reasoning.
Visual Cognition
As the world moves to more evidence-based data-driven decision making, data visualization can help or hinder the user’s understanding of the scope and situation. It can help if it reduces cognitive load but can hurt decision quality if the user becomes overloaded, resorting to quick heuristics.
Generative Design
Generative Design applies multi-objective optimization techniques, from the Machine Learning domain, to design exploration. This approach will be the next design paradigm, integrating parametric modelling, multi-domain simulation, and meta-heuristic search.
Building Performance
Buildings do not perform very well in terms of energy efficiency, occupant comfort, or embodied energy. To increase building performance, we explore a number of factors and how they interact. Measuring real or simulated building performance will be an important part of generative design for moving toward net-zero buildings.
Occupancy in Buildings
Buildings are the primary cause of Greenhouse Gases due to the emissions from generating the power to cool and heat buildings. A key opportunity to reduce the energy consumption of buildings is to only treat the areas of a building that are occupied at the moment. This work seeks to improve our understanding of the human use of buildings.
Systems Theory
The simulation of complex systems will be critical to the discovery of solutions to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. This body of work attempts to move abstract systems theory toward a set of computational tools that domain-experts can use to encode their knowledge.
Human-Computer Interaction
To help people to work with complex data to develop solutions to critical issues, we explored 3D interaction and navigation techniques, interaction on large displays, and various menu systems. Novel hardware configurations were also designed and evaluated.
Digital Anatomy
Human ergonomics should be the core driver of the design of every man-made thing in our world. However, almost nothing is known about human variation. To address this gap, I founded the Parametric Human Project as a non-profit to build a community to work on the digitization of human anatomy and thereby, the characterization of human variation.